
Hair stylist
There was two memorable experiences. One time was when my mother asked me before she passed away. My mother knew about it already. She said she is the one who loves me the most, there is no way that she didn't know. The two of us and my brother hugged and cried together. She asked why I'd bear the brunt for so long. That made me cherish my family even more. My father doesn't know about it yet. I don't know how to bring it up either. But life goes on. The other time was when I confessed to my friend. It was an interesting experience. When she was signing for the equal marriage movement and spreading the news. I was so thrilled to tell her that I was gay. We know each other for quite a while. She thought I was his only straight friend and there might be more going on than a friendship between us. When I came out to her she pinched me and said I have been lying for too long.Willian