Fanny / Brighton

Fanny / Brighton
華諠 / 子頨
45 / 47
Service Industry / Violin Instructor
We have been holding hands for 15 years. We went through everything queer couples went through. The disagreements, struggles, and teasing from friends and family. No one was happy and accepting when they heard we were gay. We insisted on our path all these years. I hope we will create our own path one day, the society would treat us fairly one day. When participating in the LGBTQ movement, society is becoming more mature. We see light at the end of the tunnel. We are working hard to prove to people that just like everyone else, working hard on the same land, breathing the same air, loving our families. We are no different from others. We also have the right to decide our partner and form a family. I hope all of you in the same situation as we are in would brave up and insist on what you believe in. I am sure we will see marriage equality will be true one day.Fanny Brighton