Chih-chieh / Victoria Hsu

Chih-chieh / Victoria Hsu
簡至潔 / 許秀雯
41 / 46
NGO Worker / Lawyer
When my grandmother found out that I liked girls, she told my mother, "Your daughter likes girls, if you still want this daughter, you have to accept her."Chih-chieh
Many people decide to stay in the closet because they are afraid of losing. Scared of losing jobs, family, friends and losing the respect and friendliness we once have for ourselves. But the truth is, in many cases, coming out does not result in losing. Instead, it creates an opportunity to get to know each other better and become closer. This challenge is a litmus it tells you who is worth is, who are your real friends. Saving you time from investing in the relationships that are not worth it, or people who deny you. On the flip side, you are forced to lose yourself from not coming out. Because, in a way, hiding is a form of death.Victoria Hsu