
國小的時候因為相信自己未來會跟男生結婚,怕到時候才跟爸媽出櫃婚禮會被破壞,於是就決定馬上讓爸媽知道,但覺得當面說太不聰明了,所以拿了一本筆記本佯裝成日記,把它攤開放在書桌上,心裡的如意算盤是如果之後被罵還可以反擊他們偷看我日記,結果完全沒用哈哈哈哈哈。出櫃的過程很辛苦,中間還被爸爸暴打過幾次,最後上了大學以後媽媽接受了現在感情也很好,但是跟爸爸的關係徹底破裂了,也不錯,時間很珍貴,用來陪自己在乎的、珍惜的人就好了。 I knew I was going to marry a man when I was in elementary school. I was scared that my parents will ruin my wedding if I only come out then. Therefore, I decided to let my parents know that I was gay. I did not think it was a smart idea to tell them face to face. So I put my notebook on my desk, pretending that was a diary. If they found out, I could still argue that they invaded my privacy. While I had everything planned out, but nothing worked. It was a tough journey coming out of the closet. I was beaten by my father a few times. My mother accepted it when I entered college. We have a great relationship. However, a completely broken relationship with my father. This is not too bad either. Time is precious, I am spending them on the ones I love and care about.阿該