
Equal Love LGBT Organization Events Coordinator
After joining in hotline volunteer in my junior year, I gained more strength. Coming out to my mother who has divorced for many years and took care of me all this time, we tore out in reconciliation. The same year before New Years, I come out to my grandma out of impulse. My grandmother's tears are still clear in my memory. I am very lucky to have two women who love me so much. My mother, grandmother, and boyfriend sent me off at the station when I go for the military service. My grandmother passed away ten years ago. I decided that I do not want a live a life where I am hiding from my true self. I walk hand in hand with my partner, he holds me from the back on the scooter, I bring him to business events. We live just like heterosexual couples, living, loving and taking care of each other. I appreciate every relationship who was brave enough to walk on this journey, even though we are not able to walk till the end. We are not wrong. The world is not as horrible as we thought it is, we will find love eventually. Then, we grow and get stronger in their love, and become a braver person.Maker